Saturday, January 3, 2015

Camera.js usage - continued | part 2

Usage, how to include Camera into your projects - repost



This is the basic structure to make Camera work:
<div class="camera_wrap">
    <div data-src="images/image_1.jpg"></div>
    <div data-src="images/image_1.jpg"></div>
    <div data-src="images/image_2.jpg"></div>
Just put this code into your HTML page and the basic slideshow will be ready to use. See the other demos to create more complex slideshows.
For jQuery newbies: after downloading and unzipping Camera, you can see some files in the folder called Examples included in the zip: there I provided some examples of Camera slideshow.
As you can see in the examples themselves, before the Camera plugin, you must call jQuery in the head of your document: without jQuery the slideshow doesn't work.
Then you must call jQuery Easing plugin and jQuery Mobile plugin. After that you must call Camera plugin and initialize the function camera with the simply method jQuery('YOUR_TARGET').camera();


Do not forget to call also "camera.css". By editing this CSS file you can create your own personal skin, of course. But Camera already provides some skins. It has got 33different colors for the icons. To use them just add one of this classes to the target element (if you don't use any of this classes the color of the icons will be petroleum/graphite):
camera_amber_skin  |  camera_ash_skin  |  camera_azure_skin  |  camera_beige_skin  |  camera_black_skin  |  camera_blue_skin  |  camera_brown_skin  |  camera_burgundy_skin  |  camera_charcoal_skin  |  camera_chocolate_skin  |  camera_coffee_skin  |  camera_cyan_skin  |  camera_fuchsia_skin  |  camera_gold_skin  |  camera_green_skin  |  camera_grey_skin  |  camera_indigo_skin  |  camera_khaki_skin  |  camera_lime_skin  |  camera_magenta_skin  |  camera_maroon_skin  |  camera_orange_skin  |  camera_olive_skin  |  camera_pink_skin  |  camera_pistachio_skin  |  camera_pink_skin  |  camera_red_skin  |  camera_tangerine_skin  |  camera_turquoise_skin  |  camera_violet_skin  |  camera_white_skin  |  camera_yellow_skin


This is the main function to start your slideshow. Have a look to the options for more detailed info about how to set the slideshow.
jQuery('YOUR_TARGET').camera(); //the basic method

jQuery('YOUR_TARGET').camera({ //here I declared some settings, the height and the presence of the thumbnails 
 height: '41%',
 pagination: false,
 thumbnails: true
You can use the public methods below to stop the slideshow, for instance, when you open a lightbox. They simply add or remove a class to the target element.
jQuery('YOUR_TARGET').cameraStop(); //stop the slideshow

jQuery('YOUR_TARGET').cameraPlay(); //start the slideshow

jQuery('YOUR_TARGET').cameraPause(); //pause the slideshow (some difference between 'pause' and 'stop': when you stop the loader and the commands are hidden)

jQuery('YOUR_TARGET').cameraResume(); //resume the slideshow after pausing

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